Clubs & Activities

Youth Athletics

  1. Little Cavs Basketball, Football, Cheerleading

  2. CYO (Catholic Youth) Volleyball

  3. Cross Country Running Club

Lehman Jr. High Athletics

In 2013, St. Patrick School merged with Piqua Catholic School as well as Holy Angels in Sidney, Ohio, to form Lehman Junior High for 7th and 8th-grade sports. A school van transports students to Lehman High School in Sidney for practices and games.

  • Fall sports include football, cross country, volleyball & cheerleading

  • Winter sports include wrestling, basketball & cheerleading

  • Spring sports include track as well as fast-pitch softball & baseball


Football Players on Sideline     Volleyball Players



  1. School newspaper - "Shamrockin' News"

  2. Student Council

  3. Band

  4. Children's Choir

  5. Rubik's Cube Club

Students with Band Instruments           Students Singing National Anthem