Our History
St. Patrick School has a rich and storied history dating back to 1888. The parish had been serving the growing Catholic members of Troy for more than a quarter of a century when they planned for the construction of a new elementary school just north of the church on Crawford Street. It became a commanding two-story building with grades 6, 7, and 8 on the first floor, and grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the second floor. The top floor was shared with the Sisters of the Precious Blood that taught at the school. This "red brick school" served the parish well. The cost to build the school was $2,661.84
"St. Patrick Free School", as it was called, opened with nearly 50 students. Operating expenses were met through an assessment of $2.40 from each parishioner over the age of 16. The word "free" was appropriate because there was no tuition to attend the school.
Groundbreaking for a new school took place in November of 1952, with the cornerstone being put in place on April 10, 1953. The new school had 8 of the most modern classrooms, separate playgrounds for boys and girls, and a beautifully equipped kitchen. This new state-of-the-art building opened to students on September 14, 1953.

Times have changed since the inception of the "red brick school." The rich tradition of excellent education and religious training has continued. St. Patrick Catholic School now comprises a campus that includes an up-to-date main school building, St. Patrick Catholic Church, and a new Parish Center constructed in 1998. The addition of the Parish Center provides a gymnasium for sports and physical education classes, and an environment for performing arts and the pre-school programs. The Parish Center also houses the school cafeteria where the students may purchase a hot lunch prepared and served on-site.
Enrollment is increasing at St. Patrick School due to the demand for a faith-filled curriculum that integrates Roman Catholic values into the classroom.
The preschool program started with the 2005-2006 school year. Currently, St. Patrick Catholic School has a preschool program for three and four-year-olds, PreK for early five-year-olds, and classes for grades K-8.
In 2012, the school added back into their curriculum a seventh-grade class and the following year the eighth grade. St. Patrick School had not had a junior high school since the year 1970.
In 2013, St. Patrick School's junior high sports program combined with Piqua Catholic School and Holy Angels Catholic School in Sidney to form the Lehman Catholic Junior High Sports Program.
In 2022, St. Patrick became a member of Our Lady of Fatima Family of Parishes. This family of parishes includes St. Patrick, St. Boniface, St. Mary, Transfiguration, and St. Teresa, as well as Piqua Catholic School.